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What are the outstanding performance of nitrogen compressors

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What are the outstanding performance of nitrogen compressors

Do you know whichNitrogen compressoruse frequently? Do you know its functions and outstanding performance? Understanding these benefits will help you better understand and maintain nitrogen compressors.

You will know

  • Function of nitrogen compressor

  • Classification of nitrogen compressors

  • Advantages of nitrogen

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Function of nitrogen compressor

1. Large working pressure range. Different types of pumps can be used to obtain different pressure zones, and the input air pressure and output air pressure can be adjusted accordingly. Extremely high pressure, liquid 300Mpa, gas 90Mpa

2. Wide flow range, only 1Kg air pressure, it can be applied to all types of pumps. At this time, the minimum flow rate is obtained, and the flow rate can be adjusted to obtain different flow rates.

3. Easy to control, from simple manual control to fully automatic control.

4. Automatic restart, no matter what causes the pressure of the pressure holding circuit to drop, it will automatically restart to supplement the leakage pressure and keep the circuit pressure constant.

5. In dangerous situations, gas-driven safe operation can be used, without arcs and sparks.

6. The maximum energy saving can reach 70%, because maintaining pressure will not consume any energy.

Classification of nitrogen compressors

1. According to the type of shaft:

One. Single shaft multi-stage, multiple impellers are connected in series on one shaft.

b. Two-shaft four-stage type, four impellers are respectively suspended at both ends of two small gears, and the rotating motor drives the small gears through the large gears.

2. According to the type of cylinder: horizontal division and vertical division.

3. Classified by cooling between stages:

One. External cooling, after each compression, the gas output machine enters the cooler.

b. For cooling inside the machine, the cooler and the casing are cast together.

Advantages of nitrogen

The lack of reactivity of nitrogen is its greatest advantage, so gas is used to prevent slow and rapid oxidation. The electronics industry provides a perfect example of this usage, because in the production of circuit boards and other small parts, slow oxidation occurs in the form of corrosion. Slow oxidation is no stranger to the food and beverage industry. In this case, nitrogen is used to replace or replace air to better preserve the final product. Explosions and fires are a good example of rapid oxidation because they require oxygen as fuel. Relying on nitrogen to remove oxygen from the container reduces the possibility of these accidents.

If nitrogen is needed, there are three main gas generation methods. One is nitrogen tank rental and on-site gas supply, and the other is high-pressure nitrogen tank supply. Finally, a compressor is used to generate nitrogen. If the demand is high, the company can choose to produce, but the capital is high. In fact, it is more convenient to use compressed nitrogen for general business. First, capital is not as important as expenditure. Second, nitrogen production is high and maintenance is troublesome. It is best to use product nitrogen directly.

You will know the difference between nitrogen compressor and nitrogen compressorCO2 compressorand aHydrogen compressorFrom the characteristics of the above compressor. And the article explains the characteristics of the nitrogen compressor more comprehensively.

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